Last supper
Short documentary by Nicolas Wadimoff and Issa Freij
26 min – Suisse, Palestine -2005
Issa Freij and Nicolas Wadimoff’s documentary examines a Palestinian village on the outskirts of Jerusalem that is slowly being enclosed by the Israeli apartheid wall. The twenty-six minute film exposes the violations of human rights that are resulting from the supposed “security” measurements the Israeli government has taken over the past six years.
As the wall expands, Palestinians continue to be cut off from their communities, land, farms, families and social infrastructures. Freij and Wadimoff interview Abu Dis residents, as the construction of the wall takes place literally in their front and back yards.
Akka Films
Leen Productions
Scénario : Nicolas Wadimoff et Issa Freij
Réalisation : Issa Freij
Image et son : Nicolas Wadimoff et Issa Freij
Montage : Karine Sudan avec la collaboration de Naïma Bachiri
Musique : Philippe Héritier.
Prix IMA du meilleur court métrage- 8e Biennale des cinémas arabes, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris 2006
8e Biennale des cinémas arabes
Carthage Film Festival
Chicago Palestinian Film Festival
London Palestine Film Festival
Cinémaarabe Amsterdam
All roads film Project – Washington DC (Los Angeles)
Vermonters for a just peace in Palestine Cinescope, Almere (Holland)
Festival des cinémas arabes de Genève, Suisse.