June 2020. Thousands of Swiss citizens, white and black, take to the streets of Geneva, Zurich and Lausanne to denounce racial discrimination. Switzerland, the cradle of humanitarian law and a country with no colonies, discovers its dark side and its blacks. In this context, Rachel, a Swiss-Congolese journalist, goes in search of her black identity by interviewing her peers. They are women citizens, standing at the intersection of oppressions, fighting to free themselves from the weight of their skin color. All of them struggle to break free from confining stereotypes and try to love themselves by making their dual Swiss and black identities coexist. As an allegory the film intertwines the transformation of a country, and the trajectory of the narrator and her sisters. It leads each one to look at oneself in the reflection of the other, to heal both the individual and collective narratives.

Becoming a Black Woman
a documentary by Juliana Fanjul and Rachel M'Bon
50 minutes – 2022
Original title
Je Suis Noires
In a country of consensus denying its structural racism, Swiss black women share their most intimate traumas and identity quests and raise their voices.
Co-production with :
RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
Awards and festivals (selection)
FIFDH, Festival International du Film et forum international sur les Droits Humains, 2022 – International Competition
Written and directed by Julianna Fanjul and Rachel M’bon
Production : Palmyre Badinier, Philippe Coeytaux, Nicolas Wadimoff
Co-production : Steven Artels, Gaspard Lamunière (RTS)
Director of photography : Leandro Monti
Sound engineer : Vuk Vukmanovic
Chief Editor : Claudio Hughes
Assistant Editor : Mykyta Kryvosheiev
Sound editing and mixing : Carlos Ibanez-Diaz
Original music : Thomas Grandjean
Color Grading : Boris Rabusseau
Impact Producers :
Gudula Meinzolt et Clementina Lubondo Kuba
FIFDH, Festival International du Film et forum international sur les Droits Humains, 2022 – International Competition