Manga D’Terra

A film by Basil Da Cunha

96 minutes – 2023


Rosa, 20, leaves her two children in Cape Verde to settle in Lisbon in the hope of offering them a better life. Caught between the harassment of kingpins and daily police violence, Rosa tries to find solace among the women of the community. But her real escape is music…


In coproduction with :
Basil Da Cunha

Awards and festivals



Rosa, 20, leaves her two children in Cape Verde to settle in Lisbon in the hope of offering them a better life. Caught between the harassment of kingpins and daily police violence, Rosa tries to find solace among the women of the community. But her real escape is music…


Written en directed by : Basil Da Cunha
Cast : Eliana Rosa, Nunha Gomes, Evandro Pereira, Nuno Baessa, Lucinda Brito, Vera Semedo, Isabel Lopes, João Filipe, José Brasão, Gä
Production : Nicolas Wadimoff, Palmyre Badinier
Co-production : Basil Da Cunha
Executive production : Basil Da Cunha
DOP : Patrick Tresch
Editor : Basil Da Cunha
Sound : Ricardo Leal, Francisco Veloso
Editing, mixing and sound design: Adrien Kessler
Music : Eliana Rosa, Henrique Silva, Luis Firmino,